The 4 Bradfords
Heroes of World War I

Durham Light Infantry & Roland Bradford

Pic of Roland set within D.L.I. Museum Information
Brigadier-General R. B. Bradford, VC, MC, D L I. - the youngest of the Bradford brothers

Front Cover of D L I Ceremony held on 8th September 2001

D.L.I. Ceremony on 8th September 2001

Brief History of The Faithful Inkerman Dinner Club

The "Faithful" Inkerman Dinner Club and the Victoria Cross Celebration Stone

Pic of 'The Faithful' Inkerman Dinner Club's insert for the Unveiling Ceremony of the D.L.I. Victoria Cros Celebration Stone

'The Faithful' Inkerman Dinner Club's insert for the Unveiling Ceremony of the D.L.I. Victoria Cross Celebration Stone

Colour pic of 8 regimental uniforms from 1792 to 1903

8 Regimental Uniforms between 1792 and 1903

Programme of Events for 8th September 2001

The Programme of Events for 8th September 2001

Illustrated List of the D. L. Infantrymen who were awarded the V.C.

The Eleven D L I Heroes who won the Victoria Cross

Act  of Dedication

Dedication of the Victoria Cross Celebration Stone and the honouring of the 11 V.C. recipients of the Durham Light Infantry

List of Committee Members of the 'Faithful' Inkerman Dinner Club

List of the Committee Members who thought of, organised and raised the funds to purchase the D.L.I. Victoria Cross Celebration Stone.

List of VC Winners on the DLI Ceremonial Stone

List of the Regiment's Members who were awarded the Victoria Cross.

Pic of four special military guests including Captain Richard Annand VC TD the only living DLI winner of the VC

Photographed here are four special military guests including (2nd from left)Captain Richard Annand, VC TD, the only living DLI winner of the Victoria Cross.

close-up pic of the DLI Ceremonial Stone Time Capsule

The DLI Ceremonial Stone's Time Capsule prior to its burial beneath the Stone.

pic of Bill Hall, Committee Member of The Faithful Inkerman Dinner Club, holding up the Time Capsule Scroll

Mr Bill Hall, Committee Member of The Faithful Inkerman Dinner Club, holding up the Time Capsule Scroll.

pic of the Witton Park Representatives at the DLI's VC Celebration Stone on 8th September 2001

Witton Park's Representatives at the DLI's VC Celebration Stone on the occasion of the Ceremonial Event on 8th September 2001.
On left: Dale Daniel with Anne Daniel. On right:Katrina Daniel with the family's friends from Holland, Hans and Dorothy.

Pic of George Fraser, Colin Armstrong and Lt Col Fred Phillips prior to burial of the Time Capsule

Photographed above are members of the committee of The Inkerman Dinner Club who were envisioned with the thought of this celebration. They then set about the planning, funding and implementing of their plan to perpetuate the memory of their past comrades in arms through the preparation of this magnificent Durham-quarried stone and of the plaque bearing the names of the eleven VC winners in their regiment.
They are (left to right)Mr George Fraser, the Secretary of the Inkerman Dinner Club, Mr Colin Armstrong the Chairman, and Lt Col Fred Phillips TD DL the President, who is holding the Time Capsule to be buried beneath the VC Celebration Stone.

Official pic of civilian guests awaiting ceremony of unveiling of the V C Stone

Official photograph of the civilian guests specially invited to the unveiling of the VC Celebration Stone
..... sitting are (left to right) Mrs Ann Cremer, Mr Paul Cremer, Mr Christopher Cremer, Mrs Arianne Henson (nee Cremer) Mrs Gerda Cremer and Mr Jonathan Cremer.

Pic of DLI  Association Members marching past the saluting dais on September 8th 2001

The Durham Light Infantry Association members marching past the saluting dais on September 8th 2001 after the unveiling of the V C Celebration Stone.

Without the resolute efforts of the 'Faithful' Inkerman Dinner Club members there would have been no ceremony nor any Celebration Stone to pay tribute to the Regiment's most heroic acts of bravery.

With this final act the Durhams have commemorated and remained Faithful to their comrades in arms down through their proud history ..... to the very last.